Against the backdrop of the ongoing Ukraine war and the far-reaching changes in the post-Soviet space, the interest of Austrian and German media in the expertise of the Black Sea Region Competence Center has recently increased significantly. This is all the more true since it has become increasingly clear that the Ukraine war goes along with a geopolitical conflict of global dimensions and that Russia’s hegemonic interests are not limited to Ukraine. There has been particularly strong interest recently in our expertise on Moldova. Follow our recent media contributions on this website under „Media Contributions„.

Here you will find a selection of our latest media contributions

Russlands Griff nach Moldau (Russia’s grip on Moldova) – Deutsche Welle Interview with Hannes Meissner

Russlands Einfluss in Moldau (Russia’s influence on Moldova)- Hannes Meissner on Ö1 Mittagsjournal

RBB 24 Inforadio: „Hannes Meißner: Ist Moldau Putin’s nächstes Ziel“? (Is Moldova Putin’s next target?)

Moldau möchte Russland den Rücken kehren (Moldova wants to turn its back on Russia) – NTV Podcast with Hannes Meissner

Die Republik Moldau in der Krise (The Republic of Moldova in Crisis) – Hannes Meissner on the radio program Ö1 Punkt eins “Moldawien”

Wie Russland Moldau mit Oligarchenhilfe bedroht (How Russia threatens Moldova with Oligarch Support) – NTV Podcast with Hannes Meissner

Kasachstans „brandgefährliches Spiel“ mit Putin – NTV Podcast with Hannes Meissner

Warum Putin von den Usbekistan-Unruhen profitiert (How Putin benefits from Uzbekistan unrest) – NTV Podcst with Hannes Meissner

Im Schatten Russlands Ukraine: Zerissen zwischen Ost und West (In the Shadow of Russia – Ukraine: Torn between East and Weat) – ZDF Documentary with expert interview with Hannes Meissner

Im Schatten Russlands Zentralasien zwischen Armut und Erwachen  (In the Shadow of Russia – Central Asia between Poverty and Awakening) – ZDF Documentary with expert interview with Hannes Meissner

Im Schatten Russlands Die Baltischen Staaten als Brückenkopf Europas  (In the Shadow of Russia – The Baltic States as Bridgehead of Europe) – ZDF Documentary with expert interview with Hannes Meissner

Gusenbauer kassierte Geld von Aserbaidschan – (Austrian ex-chancellor Gusenbauer gained money from Azerbaijan) ZIB2 expert interview with Hannes Meissner