Summer School: Memory, Securitization and European Integration an der Southern Federal University Rostov na Donu vom 28. Juni bis 7. Juli 2017
Welche Auswirkungen hat der aktuelle Konflikt zwischen Europa und Russland auf die Sicherheit? Wie widersprechen sich die europäische und die russische Wahrnehmung des Konflikts? Und was sind die Langzeitfolgen des Konfliktes auf die EU-Russland Beziehungen und die Europäische Integration? Dies waren die Hauptthemen der Summer School des Jean Monnet Netzwerks „NEMESIS“ an der Southern Federal University in Rostov am Don vom 28. Juni bis 7. Juli mit internationalen Studierenden.
In order to find answers, the NEMESIS project in general and the summer school in particular are based on the innovative idea to approach the complex subject from an interdisciplinary perspective. In this regard, our Rostov partners Oxana Kharnaukova and Victor Aprychenko introduced historical concepts of memory, security and identity, while the historian Christian Noack from the University of Amsterdam brought in the empirical perspective.
The anthropologist Oliver Hinkelbein from the University of Bremen was responsible for several reflection units, spread over the whole week. In this context, the students were able to scrutinise the contradictory perceptions, memories and approaches between the EU and Russia.
Similarly, Hannes Meissner from the Competence Centre for Black Sea Region Studies gave a political science lecture on post-Soviet regime types. While they are classified as forms of failed transition from a Western perspective, government actors of the countries themselves aim at describing them as alternative forms of rule. Johannes Leitner (Competence Centre for Black Sea Region Studies) covered the international business perspective, giving a lecture on business security and political risks in the Eastern-Partnership Region.
The summer school ended with a boat trip on the river Don, which students and lecturers used as informal platform to continue their discussions.
Diese Summer School ist Teil des EU-Projektes „NEMESIS“
Project Title: “Memory and Securitization in the European Union and Neighbourhood” (NEMESIS)
Co-funded by: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Project Number: 565149-EPP-1-2015-1-RU-EPPJMO-NETWORK
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